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What we do

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The Housing System Navigation program bridges the gap between individuals experiencing chronic homelessness and their ability to enter Permanent Supportive Housing. Housing Navigators meet clients where they are at, cater to their choices, and break down barriers that usually keep individuals from entering affordable housing by providing these services:

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How we do it

The Housing System Navigation program is available to individuals experiencing chronic homelessness and who are matched to Permanent Supportive Housing through Chicago's Coordinated Entry System (CES). Housing Navigators will conduct street outreach and in-reach at shelters and other community agencies such as food pantries and drop-in centers to locate matched individuals and enroll them in the HSN program. Once enrolled, each Navigator will provide supportive services until they are housed in a PSH program.

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Our mission is to end homelessness in the lives of individuals by providing housing and comprehensive supportive services. We also strive to eradicate the conditions that cause, contribute to and exacerbate homelessness.

Hours and Contact Info

Administrative Office and Daytime Services Center

4410 N Ravenswood Ave, 101

Chicago, IL 60640

Office Hours

9AM - 4PM

Monday - Friday 

P: 773-244-6401

Rogers Park Emergency Shelter

7464 N. Clark Street

Chicago, IL 60626​

P: 773-754-7607

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