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Please contact us to coordinate a drop off by calling 773-244-6401 


Please note our office hours: Monday - Friday, 9am-4pm4410 N. Ravenswood, Suite 101, Chicago, IL 60640


Interested in engaging your network to do an item donation drive? Contact us at to let us know how we can help!​

NSHSS Wishlist Version 2 Color.png


A gift card or Ventra card gives our clients the ability to shop for what they need most and access to transportation to get to and from work, doctor visits, etc. Drop off a gift card or ventra card Monday through Friday 9AM to 4PM at our office.


Many of our participants are in need of furniture but we unfortunately do not have the ability to deliver. If you have an item you are willing to deliver, contact us so it can go directly to a participant in need.


You can donate your car and the proceeds will go to our organization. All you have to do is go to our form to fill out your information and a representative from Vehicles for Charity will contact you to coordinate the rest!

Our mission is to end homelessness in the lives of individuals by providing housing and comprehensive supportive services. We also strive to eradicate the conditions that cause, contribute to and exacerbate homelessness.

Hours and Contact Info

Administrative Office and Daytime Services Center

4410 N Ravenswood Ave, 101

Chicago, IL 60640

Office Hours

9AM - 4PM

Monday - Friday 

P: 773-244-6401

Rogers Park Emergency Shelter

7464 N. Clark Street

Chicago, IL 60626​

P: 773-754-7607

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